PDFHub provides simple ways to merge two or more PDFs into one

Try out PDFHub's Merge Files feature for free today!


PDFHub offers effortless ways to merge multiple documents, images and files into a single PDF document. With our user-friendly interface, you can easily upload and combine two or more files, images, documents or PDFs into a single file. Save time and effort by using PDFHub's powerful PDF merging capabilities.

Whether you need to merge documents for a business presentation, personal project, or any other usecase, PDFHub simplifies the process. You don't have to worry about complex software or spending hours downloading softwares and manually merging files. PDFHub's merging tool makes it quick and effortless, ensuring that your documents are combined seamlessly.

Our platform is accessible from anywhere, and you can merge PDF files on any device with an internet connection. Try PDFHub's PDF merging feature today and experience the convenience of merging your documents in a matter of seconds.

pdf merge

How To Merge A PDF?

To merge two or more PDFs into one, simply upload the PDF documents by either dragging and dropping them or selecting them from your device. Once you have uploaded the documents you wish to merge, select the "Merge" option and PDFHub will return the merged file as a single PDF. Our user-friendly interface makes the process effortless and fast.

What type of documents are supported to Merge?

PDFHub offers support for a wide range of file formats, including .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .xls, .ppt, .pptx, .html, .txt, .rtf, .csv, .tif, .tiff, .eml, .svg, and .pdf. However, it is important to note that when you use our merging feature, all the files will be combined and returned in a single PDF format. This provides a convenient and easy-to-share document format that is widely used and compatible with most devices and platforms.

Is PDFHub's Merge feature safe to use?

PDFHub's Merge feature is safe and fully secure. Our system does not keep a copy of any files on our servers, and all API calls for merging actions are stateless. This helps to keep your data secure, as you do not need to worry about our server holding onto original files or output PDFs.

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