Filled up PDF Forms files can be converted to flat PDF Files using PDFHub

Try out PDFHub's Flatten PDF feature for free today!

Flatten PDF Forms

Flattening a filled-up PDFForm can be a crucial step for recording purposes or to make the form read-only. PDFHub allows users to flatten their fillable PDFs easily and save them as new PDF files. This can be done programmatically using our APIs or via our user interface.

Once the fillable PDF is flattened, the user can no longer edit the form fields or input any new data. It essentially becomes a read-only document that can be printed and scanned for record-keeping purposes. This is particularly useful for businesses or organizations that need to maintain accurate and unalterable records.With PDFHub, the flattening process can be completed in just a few clicks, making it a quick and efficient solution for all your PDF needs.

flatten pdf form

What does PDFHub's Flatten PDF Form tool do?

Flattening PDF forms is a crucial step to ensure that the filled-up form can be viewed on all devices and prevents others from manipulating or editing the information. This process also removes invisible metadata, which is often incompatible with many online software programs, and helps maintain the original structure of the file when printed. Additionally, flattening PDF forms can improve loading speed and reduce file size, making it easier to share and store. PDFHub provides users with the ability to flatten filled-up PDF forms and save them as a new PDF for record-keeping purposes, making fillable PDFs read-only in the process.

How does PDFHub's Flatten PDF Form tool work?

To flatten your PDF form, simply open the PDF Flattening tool in your browser and import your PDF file using the “Open files” button or by dragging the file icon into the interface with your mouse. Once the file is added, click on the "Flatten PDF" button and the software will automatically download the flattened PDF onto your local system. It's that easy!

Is PDFHub's Flatten PDF Form tool safe to use?

PDFHub's Flatten PDF Forms is very safe and fully secure. The system does not keep the copy of any files in the servers and all our API calls to do the Flatten PDF Form operation are stateless. This helps keep your data secure as you don’t need to worry about our server holding to original files.

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