Securely add watermarks to your PDFs with PDFHub in various orientations.

Try out PDFHub's Add Watermark feature for free today!

Add Watermarks to PDF files

PDFHub understands the importance of protecting your valuable PDF files, which is why we offer a variety of options to help you secure your documents. In addition to adding watermarks, we also provide features like password protection and encryption to prevent unauthorized access.

Adding watermarks is a quick and easy way to show ownership and protect your PDFs from being copied or distributed without permission. With PDFHub, you can choose to add text or image watermarks, and customize them to fit your specific needs. You can adjust the transparency of the watermark, choose the font type and size, and even change the color to match your branding.

Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to add watermarks to your PDFs. Simply upload your PDF, select the watermark option, and choose your desired settings. With just a few clicks, your PDF will be protected with a professional watermark that reflects your ownership or branding.

pdf watermark

How to add watermarks to PDF File?

PDFHub allows you to easily add watermarks to your PDF files by uploading them from your computer and selecting the pages where you want the watermark to appear. You can insert text as your watermark and customize the font, size, and color to match your brand or personal preference. Additionally, you can adjust the rotation, opacity, and position of the watermark to ensure it is displayed exactly how you want it. With the ability to choose which pages the watermark will appear on, you have complete control over the look and feel of your document. Protect your PDFs with professional watermarks using PDFHub.

Why do I need to add watermarks to PDF files?

Adding watermarks to PDF files not only enhances their security, but also serves as a visual cue to indicate ownership and copyright information. Watermarks are difficult to remove and are clearly visible to users, making them hard to miss. This added layer of protection helps to safeguard your PDFs from unauthorized use or distribution. With PDFHub, adding watermarks to your PDFs is quick and easy, and can be customized to suit your needs.

Is PDFHub's Add Watermark tool safe to use?

PDFHub's Add Watermark tool is very safe and fully secure. The system does not keep a copy of any files on the servers, and all API calls to perform the Add Watermark action are stateless. This helps to keep your data secure, as you don’t need to worry about our server holding onto the original files or output PDFs.

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