Effortlessly extract text and content from your PDF files with PDFHub's powerful APIs and intuitive user interface

Try out PDFHub's Extract Text feature for free today!

Extract Text Content from PDF File

Extracting text content from PDF files can be a crucial task for various reasons, such as retrieving important information from a large document or converting a PDF into a more easily editable format. With PDFHub, users can extract text and content from existing PDF files quickly and easily using our APIs or user interface. Our tools are designed to ensure accurate and efficient extraction, allowing users to access the content they need from their PDF files with ease. Whether you need to extract text for further analysis or simply to make the content more accessible, PDFHub makes the process simple and straightforward.

pdfhub extract text

How to extract text from PDF?

Click the "Add file" button to upload your PDF document and convert it to text. If you're using a computer, you can also drag and drop your PDF file into the designated area. The conversion process will begin automatically and the text content will be outputted within a few seconds.

How does PDFHub's Extract Text from PDF tool work?

PDFHub makes it easy to edit PDF text by allowing you to convert your PDF documents to text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). If you've ever wondered how to extract text from a PDF, then PDFHub is the right place for you

Is PDFHub's Extract Text tool safe to use?

PDFHub's Extract Text tool is very safe and fully secure. The system does not keep a copy of any files on the servers, and all our API calls to perform the Extract Text from PDF file action are stateless. This helps keep your data secure as you don’t need to worry about our server holding onto original files or output PDFs.

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